Jrebel android
Jrebel android

  1. #Jrebel android apk
  2. #Jrebel android full
  3. #Jrebel android for android

It is easy to view the file information.You can open and decompile dex, apk, jar, arr.The tool will give you an idea of what other applications are doing and how.

#Jrebel android apk

Using ClassyShark, you can browse any Android APK file and find the required information in it, such as classes, resources, manifest, dependencies, number of dex methods, and more.

  • Analyze the performance of your application.
  • It works pretty well and automatically checks various user scenarios in your application, finding potential crashes and critical issues that need immediate attention. NimbleDroid is another tool to test your app for memory leaks and critical issues before publishing it to the Play Market. It is always better to catch bugs and significant delays during the development phase than to let your users have a bad experience with an application already in production.
  • User-friendly interface and notification display.Ī small library that can be used to check the FPS of an application while debugging it.
  • Can configure parameters like the number of dump files and leak trackers, custom exclusions, and custom processing of analysis results, etc.
  • #Jrebel android for android

    Fully automated memory leak checking for Android Activity components.Once installed, it will automatically start, sending you notifications of every memory leak in your application with full-stack tracking. It is a powerful memory leak detection tool developed by Square. Helps you to manage your network, databases, and other interacting features.Provides hierarchy inspection during debugging.

    jrebel android jrebel android

  • Allows you to use the Google Chrome debugging tool for various actions.
  • #Jrebel android full

    The tool makes it really easy to debug native Android applications and helps you perform various actions, such as viewing the full View hierarchy, checking the SQLite database, tracking network activity, and more. Stetho is a powerful open-source debugging platform for Android applications developed by Facebook. From debugging to quality enhancement tools, you'll Read more 1. Suppressed: : .SharedPreferenceUtilsĪt (Native Method)Īt (Īt (Īt (Ĭaused by: article constitutes some of the best and most useful Android programming tools available today. : Failed resolution of: Lnet/wds/wisdomcampus/utils/SharedPreferenceUtils Īt .SplashActivity.onCreate(Īt (Īt (Īt cn.jiguang.a.a.c.a.a.d.callActivityOnCreate(Unknown Source)Īt (Īt (Īt $900(Īt $H.handleMessage(Īt android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Īt android.os.Looper.loop(Īt (Īt .invoke(Native Method)Īt .invoke(Īt .ZygoteInit$n(Īt .ZygoteInit.main(Ĭaused by: : Didn't find class ".SharedPreferenceUtils" on path: DexPathList,nativeLibraryDirectories=]Īt (Īt (Īt (Īt .runtime.fV.loadFromParent(SourceFile:110)Īt .runtime.fV.loadClass(SourceFile:94) I installed jrebel for android on android studio, and this error occurred at startupĬlasspath ':gradle:2.3.3ĭoes anyone know why? 08-11 09:25:24.025 E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main

    Jrebel android